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Automated Export System - What It Is and When to File It


The Automated Export System (AES) is the central point through which shipment data is filed electronically to the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This system was designed to replace the Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED) paper form, with the Electronic Export Information (EEI), and significantly improves the quality and collection of export data utilized by multiple government agencies. The importance of this data cannot be underestimated, as it is crucial to national security and the U.S. economy, so it's important for all exporters to understand their role in the system.

Providing Security and Economic Insight

Declaring all necessary information about foreign bound shipments leaving the U.S. through the AES assures compliance with CPB export regulations. The immediate availability of this information once AES is filed improves the government’s ability to monitor and intervene in exportation of goods that may threaten national security and U.S. interests abroad. Not only is this data used for monitoring potential threats to the nation, but it is also compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau and used to calculate economic indicators such as Gross National Product (GDP), which gauges the overall size and health of the U.S. economy.

Getting It Done Right

U.S. exporters must submit shipping details through the AES, hosted on the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) platform, for goods valued at more than $2,500 or when they require an export license from the U.S. Commerce or State Departments regardless of value. Typically, the filing must be done from one to 24 hours prior to the actual export of the shipment depending on the method of transportation. Additional information about requirements and exemptions can be found on the International Trade Administration website.

A Costly Lesson to Learn

Failure by exporters to file timely, accurate, and truthful information in the AES on all applicable goods will be subject to investigation by the Office of Export Enforcement. Penalties can include up to five years in jail and monetary fines ranging from $1,100 to $10,000 per violation.

Valuable Partners

At ClearFreight, we understand the importance of rapidly providing accurate information through the AES to ensure the smooth and predictable movement of freight. Filing AES is just one of the many shipping services we provide customers who need a reliable partner to manage the rules and regulations while helping them avoid the penalties and fines. ClearFreight is here to help. Contact us today!

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